Some brefkast fixins…yes I said brefkast…isn’t that how you say it?
Learned something in the process, too. Apparently, almond butter doesn’t drizzle well. Had to scrape a ton of it off. This nanner kinda looks like a crime scene, almond buttter “blood” pooling all around. Sorry, that’s really gross. I have a very active imagination.
Ginger honey drizzles though.
That was my little pre-run snackie. Got out and did a quick little 1.2 miles, nothing fancy.
Came home and put some fruit and left-over butternut quinoa together for lunch…
with some of these for snacking…
Now I’m off to see if I can find some new athletic wear. Really need tops and some sunglasses, I was squinting all through my run. :::Squint:::