Guess where we were this morning?
Yep, started off the weekend with an early morning trip to the vet for both of the little bunnies.
Jeff and I love our vet, Lucas and Liam though, not as much. They spent much of the visit hiding behind the computer nestled amongst the warm cables and had to be plucked out each time they needed to be poked or prodded.
All in all they were very good though. At least they’ll spend the rest of the day snoozing away after such a traumatic morning.
I may be found snorgled up with them doing the same. It’s a dreary and cold weekend and we have no plans as of yet. A nap on the couch covered in warm fuzzy babies sounds wonderful.
What are your weekend plans?
A nap sounds very nice right now. I’m also getting a massage later today. Yay.
Lee recently posted..More Murphy
I spent most of the day on the couch with the boys. The weather was awful today and so dreary. The kitties are beautiful! We have two orange tabbies that had a trip to the vet together a few weeks ago…really not fun. I hope you had a great day on the couch!
Your cats are adorable! I just got one yesterday.
Cheers to claiming black as a fav color on your A-Z!
I wish that beautiful 65-degree weather would come back! Nonetheless, a lazy day of lounging around sounds pretty great too. I hear there may be peeks of sun later!
megan @ blackberries for jam recently posted..Convenience Baking- Microwave Mug Muffins
Poor kitties :).
I have a Norwex Party and home reno’s. If I had a choice I wouldn’t leave the house either. It’s super cold here too.
Heather (All Sizzle No Steak) recently posted..Carrot Latkes
We did so many errands this weekend. And then I had the blast of a time of losing sleep all night last night to top it off. Thanks, baby B! LOL
Can’t wait to see you this next weekend.
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