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Blue Thursday

I am such a dork. I nearly waited until Monday to eat this breakfast just so I could fill this post with references to “Blue Monday.” You know, that song by New Order (and Orgy, which I must confess I liked better.) At least I didn’t wait until January.

Banana with blueberry Noosa

That glistening blue blob on the banana (wow that sounds gross, but it’s so aliterative!) is a scoop of blueberry Noosa yogurt. I made the mistake of going to “the big Whole Foods” in my area and came home with a bunch of novelty products I’ve never seen before at “the little Whole Foods.” This yogurt was one of them.

Blueberry Noosa blob

I could not resist those plump little berries!

The yogurt part itself has a great cheesy flavor and texture that I really like. The blueberry stuff didn’t taste too much like blueberries, but it was a nice fruity and sweet contrast to the yogurt.

In other blue news…

Smitten nail polish

I bought nail polish on an impulse yesterday. I am not an impulse shopper. But my blue nails make me happy every time I look at them.

What color always makes you happy?

blog post

Raw nectarine dream cookies

Aren’t they pretty?!

3 raw nectarine dream cookiesRaw nectarine dream cookie close up

Our local farmer’s market always has an amazing selection of dried fruits and nuts. I stumbled upon a bag of juicy-looking dried nectarines recently and knew I’d wanna try making a raw cookie with them.

They are delicious out of hand too though. The concentrated nectarine juices burst with their bright peachiness. It’s a great flavor for summertime!

3 raw nectarine dream cookies3 raw nectarine dream cookies

Raw nectarine dream cookies

A summery raw cookie that is great for a snack, healthful dessert, or crumbled over yogurt like granola.

Prep Time: 15 minutes


  • 1 cup raw cashews
  • 1/2 cup raw almonds
  • about 6 large dried nectarine slices
  • 3 tbsp. brown rice syrup
  • 1 tsp. agave nectar
  • sprinkle of cinnamon
  • pinch of salt

Cooking Directions

  1. Pulverize nuts in a food processor.
  2. Add chopped nectarines and pulse to combine.
  3. Add all other ingredients and combine.
  4. Roll mixture into a log on wax paper and press tightly.
  5. Refrigerate until firm and then slice into cookies.

Raw nectarine dream cookie close up

I love popping one of these after an intense workout for a shot of protein. The juicy little bits of nectarine are so sweet and sticky.

It’s a total accident that these came out in the cute little teardrop shape they did. I was going for round, but I kind of like that they look like little cookie guitar picks. :)

3 raw nectarine dream cookies

And they are rockin’!

blog post

Craving baked apples

Well, I did manage to use up the last 5 apples that were still chilling out in my crisper drawer. Nothing as fancy as the cinnamon apple cake squares I made the other day, but still a yummy use for apples.

I cut the rest of them up and baked them with ground cinnamon, ginger, clove, nutmeg, and a little sprinkle of sugar. I’ve been using them over the weekend to top my breakfasts with.

Shown here: Apple crumble flavored Voskos yogurt topped with baked apples and toasted buckwheat crunchees.

Apple yogurt and baked apples

I’ve eaten something appley like this every day for a week now and I’m still not tiring of it!

Here’s how easy it is to make baked apples:

Easy baked apples

A simple method for baking apples to use on top of oatmeal, yogurt, ice cream, anything!

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 40 minutes

Total Time: 50 minutes


  • Any number of apples you need to use up
  • as much cinnamon as desired
  • pinch of clove, ground ginger, and nutmeg
  • sprinkle of sugar
  • squeeze of lemon juice

Cooking Directions

  1. Peel, core, and dice apples.
  2. Add to a baking dish where they will be piled upon each other (to encourage steaming)
  3. Add spices to taste and squeeze over lemon juice. Sprinkle on sugar.
  4. Mix with a spoon and bake at 400 degrees for 40 minutes, stirring once or twice throughout.

Washed down with Jeff and I’s twin teas…

Twin teas

And another example of using up what’s in the crisper…pizza! I had 2 lonely button mushrooms and a tomato that was getting squishy and needed to be used up. So, mushroom and fresh tomato pizza!

Pizza with fresh tomatoes

I always by whole wheat pizza dough from our local farmer’s market and roll it out myself. The first time I bought it I was a little bit intimidated, but now I make pizza like an old pro!

My favorite trick to getting it tasting like a brick oven pizza is to use a pizza stone and put it under the broiler. The edges get that slight charred flavor and the cheese goes all brown and bubbly.

Also this past weekend…a double rainbow!

Double rainbow Decatur

Decatur experienced a light sunshower on Saturday that produced a vibrant rainbow arching completely across the sky. And if you looked closely you could see another fainter rainbow gleaming above it. Everyone in town just stopped in their tracks to gape at it and snap photos.

We saw it on the way to Leon’s for dinner with some friends. Leon’s has recently changed their menu a bit and several of the things that Jeff and I order regularly are gone. :( It was ok though, we got to try some new and interesting things because of it.

Here, the lamb rillettes we all shared as an appetizer…

Leon's lamb rilletteLamb rillette on bread

It was so good slathered on fresh bread studded with the tiny grains of mustard and a glazing of orange marmalade on top. Lamby!

I got a really cool new cocktail called The Wasp. It’s rye whiskey and peach honey and some other stuff I don’t remember, but man it was delicious!

The wasp cocktail at Leon'sSquare cube of ice

I ordered the new side wedge salad with crispy bacon, hard boiled egg, radish slices, and creamy caper dressing. Pretty good, a nice take on the classic.

Leon's wedge salad

And the zucchini casserole with onion jam and salted lemony arugula. I get one of these almost every time we go because it’s just so good.

Leon's zucchini casserole

It wasn’t quite enough food so I ate about half of Jeff’s fries with garlic aioli. :)

Do you have a dish at a local restaurant you order every single time?