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Our wedding

Today marks one year that Jeff and I have been married. As you read this we’re in Seattle, hopefully getting ready for a nice anniversary dinner.

When I think back on our wedding, what sticks out most in my mind is how fast it went by. I know everyone says that, but it’s true that all those months and months of planning boil down to what seem like only a few moments.

Our relationship has had that kind of distorted perception of time too. It’s strange for me to remember that Jeff and I have only even known each other for about 3 and a half years. We marvel now and again at how despite that short span of time we both feel like we’ve been together for years longer. We’ve managed to fit so many wonderful experiences and memories into our 3 and a half years that it has seemed to go by more slowly.

We had a small informal ceremony at Wahoo! restaurant in Decatur. It really is a great event space with it’s casual garden-like feel.

Hanging lanterns in Wahoo

Wahoo hummingbird feederWahoo garden areaWedding aisle at Wahoo

I got ready in a back room with my mom, Jeff’s mom, and my sister and her children. I wore a casual shirtdress from Anthropologie that I plan to wear again and again throughout the years.

Mom zipping me upApplying lipstick for wedding

Me and sis at my wedding

When the time came I didn’t really feel nervous, but when I get nervous I tend to become very calm and organized and focused on the task at hand. So because I didn’t seem nervous to anyone else, it’s fair to guess that I probably was.

We never rehearsed any of the ceremony, and luckily it all went perfectly. Dad walked me down the aisle, my sister took my bouquet, Jeff and I held hands, and everything fell into place.

Dad walking me down the aisle

Our ceremony

Putting ring on JeffKiss the bride

That’s when the nerves kicked in! I had been keeping my composure for so long that once we were married and whisked away to a back room, I needed a drink!

Eating behind the scenes

Jeff and I shared a plate of food and endless kisses while we waited for everyone to be served from the buffet, then we rejoined them for our first dance and dances with our parents.

First danceFirst dance kissMe dancing with dadJeff dances with his mom

Then it was time for cake! Only we didn’t exactly have one….

Wahoo buffet tabledonut cake and bouquet

I have always wanted donuts in lieu of a wedding cake and I got my wish! Everyone loved our whimsical wedding “cake.”

Feeding donut cakeMmmm, donut cakeAstrid loves donut cake

There wasn’t much time to visit with family before many of our out-of-town guests had to head out, but we had to get home to pack for the honeymoon anyway.

Visiting with family at weddingGuest message cardsWedding candy dishes

Wedding ranunculas

Kissing my husband

This year together has felt like 10, which is not at all to say that it has dragged by but that it has been so full and rich that I can’t believe I could love so much in such a short amount of time. Thank you Jeff, at this rate you’ll give me my dream of living a 1000 years together, if only in the depth and breadth of our memories.

On to the honeymoon!

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Ready to fly

We are packed and ready to go!

I just finished getting all of our clothes fitted snugly into our suitcases, leaving some room for the things we need until tomorrow of course.

Bags packed for Seattle

I even packed a few snacky type things to keep in our hotel room for when we’re about to gnaw an arm off and dinner is still a few hours away. I’ll get some more munchies when we get to Seattle too.

Snacks for hotel in Seattle

I have been so frantic all week planning for this trip. It’s completely because last time I was planning for a vacation it was to go to Japan, and for that I had to study a new language, new customs, print maps of how to get to places, pack two weeks of clothing, learn how to use our new camera, and just figure out how to get around in another country, all while planning a wedding! So I’ve been under a disproportionate amount of stress this week for no reason simply because my brain won’t accept the fact that it’s really not going to be that hard this time.

And I am really gonna miss these guys…

Liam on the bedLucas lounging on the bed

Sweet chocolate bunnies.

They have the memory span of goldfish and aren’t even going to remember who we are when we get back. We have some friends taking care of them daily though, so they are in good hands.

I have a week full of fun posts lined up for you for while we’re gone. Since our anniversary is Sunday I’ve made a post of our wedding as well as tons of stuff from our honeymoon in Japan. And look out for some guest posts to appear towards the end of the week just before we return.

See ya next weekend with Seattle pics!

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Chinua & Katie’s wedding

Thanks for all the love while I was sick, I am 100% back to normal now! Now I can finally catch up with posting. Here’s what we did over the weekend, even though I was ill I wouldn’t have missed it for anything!

This past Saturday we got to attend the wedding ceremony for two of our dear friends, Chinua and Katie. They have been married for 2 years and have a gorgeous little boy together and were excited to finally add the experience of their “big day” to their family memories.

Jeff and I at Chinua and Katie's wedding

They got married at the same restaurant we did, Wahoo! It’s a beautiful venue with great food and a garden-like setting.

We chatted with the bride, groom, their adorable son Anhur, and old friends for about an hour before it all began.

Chinua and Katie wedding flowers 1Chinua and Katie wedding flowers 2

Chinua and AricAnhur looking dapperKatie holding Anhur

Chinua’s father got things started with a speech about marriage that had all the ladies tearing up.

Chinua's dad speaking

Then the lovely couple got to exchange their heartfelt vows….

Chinua reciting vowsKatie reciting vows

And kiss!

Chinua and Katie kissChinua and Katie happy to be married

I stuck with softer foods for lunch because I was still quite ill. It was all delicious though.

Wahoo wedding food

And signed the guest book…

Signing wedding guest book

We have a running joke with them that as soon as we get pregnant with our first child they’re starting on baby number 2. It’s not even really a joke, though. I may have to inform Katie that I’m pregnant even before Jeff and I’s parents! 😉

After the ceremony and lunch, the party moved to Twain’s for beer hour.

There were snacks…

hummus at Twains

And cupcakes!

wedding cupcake tower

We had a little of both. Jeff got a maple cupcake that he loved.

snacks and maple cupcake

I thought this strawberry was insane.

strawberry wedding cupcake

I’ve known Chinua for nearly a decade now. He’s been my friend, my coworker, and even my boss at different points over the years. He couldn’t have found a better partner in Katie. She has become an equally wonderful friend and I adore both of them.

Chinua and Katie in love

Congrats guys on 2 years of happy marriage!

And May 1st is our anniversary too! I’m even bringing my wedding dress to Seattle to wear to dinner that night. (It’s casual, it doesn’t necessarily look like a wedding dress.) I’ll fill you guys in on our trip when we get back!