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Taking responsibility

Sorry there was no post yesterday. I’ve been kind of in a funk lately and I think this post will explain why…

If you’ve read my About Me page, you know that I just started my journey towards health early this year.  It really hasn’t been that long since I was never exercising and never thinking more about what to put in my mouth than wether or not it was delicious.

When I started working out and paying more attention to what I ate, I found that I was also really enjoying learning about different topics related to food and health. I read nearly every book written by Michael Pollan, I read Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer, I watched Food Inc., and I saw the various documentaries extolling the health virtues of a plant-based diet.

I was looking for a message about health in all this media and was moved by what I saw. What I didn’t expect though, is that I would be equally moved by the issues of animal rights and animal cruelty.


If only a year and a half ago you had asked me my thoughts on alternative eating practices such as vegetarianism and veganism, I wouldn’t have had many nice things to say about them. I probably would have just made a joke about crazy hippies and praised the deliciousness of bacon. Now though, I am that person that I would have made fun of before.

I don’t remember exactly when it happened, but at some point earlier this year it hit me that I wasn’t comfortable eating meat anymore. The idea of being a vegetarian actually didn’t seem that difficult, I was sure that if I were to never eat meat again that I would get over it pretty quickly.  I started playing around with reducing my meat consumption a little bit here and a little bit there and found that the less I ate it the less I wanted it. There was just one problem: my husband and I differ in our wants, needs, and opinions about food.


It’s easy to say “Alayna, you have the right to make your own choices about what you put into your body and the differing wants or opinions of your husband are not good enough reasons to eat something if you feel ethically opposed to it.” I hear ya, I really do. I have said that to myself many times in my own head and couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t go through with it. I’ve been beating myself up inside for many months every time I ate a piece of meat to make my husband feel comfortable, and I realize now that I never even needed to do that.

I guess what it all boils down to is that I was afraid of being a burden on Jeff, who I love so much. I cook all of our dinners and many of our weekend breakfasts and lunches and I really enjoy preparing these meals.  I didn’t want my choices to become his choices simply because I was choosing what to cook. I also didn’t want to burden myself with trying to prepare two different dishes at every mealtime.  I realize now that these aren’t good enough reasons to compromise my food beliefs and I’m ready to work harder to figure out how to accomodate both of us at the dinner table.

Anyway, we had a long overdue discussion about all of this and I’m feeling much better about it now. Jeff is so sweet and understanding; I don’t know why I thought he couldn’t handle me trying vegetarianism. It all seems so silly when I think about it now. I’m finally ready to make a greater shift towards a vegetarian diet knowing that it’s not going to cause a division between us.

I don’t want anyone to think that I look down on you if you choose to eat meat or that I think you can’t be healthy and still eat meat. It’s a personal choice I’ve made based on my own feelings and I fully respect yours. This isn’t going to turn into a strictly vegetarian blog either, I’m still going to cook for my husband and I’ll probably be just as eager to show off my meat-filled meals as my meatless ones.

If anyone has any tips for how you deal with accommodating differences at the dinner table without losing your mind, please fill me in!

blog post

Vegan fail

This is a picture of Lucas guarding me from my microwave…

That’s all I have to show you because this is what happened to my recipe for today…

I tried to veganize a cake recipe that I’ve made countless times before, but it looks like I made too many substitutions. I seriously can’t get the rest of it out; it is firmly glued to the dish. Also, it was not delicious.

Sigh. I’ll try it again though, cause it really is a fantastic cake when it comes out correctly. I even got to make my first flax egg!

But for now, here is Liam fiercely guarding me from my bananas…

…because that’s all I have to show you. :(

blog post

Cold cure drink to kick the sick

Well kids, I think I might be getting sick.

The strange thing is, I’m kind of excited about it in a way. No, I don’t enjoy wallowing in misery with a box of tissues in one hand and bowl of soup in the other, lying languidly on the couch watching bad day-time TV.

No, what I’m excited about is that I finally have a reason to share with you my recipe for a cure-all drink that I make whenever Jeff or I gets sick that manages to knock out our illnesses within 2 days every time. Yes, I have been waiting to get sick to share this recipe. My posts need context!

(Stuff you already know:  I’m not a doctor and though this drink may or may not make you feel better when you’re feeling icky, it is not meant to replace real medicine.)

Anyway, here it is in all its healing glory:

Cold cure drink

I make this drink anytime I'm feeling ill. Especially good for clearing up colds and sinus problems.

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes


  • apple cider or juice
  • slices of lemons and/or oranges
  • a handful of cinnamon sticks
  • about 10 whole cloves
  • as much fresh grated ginger as you can stand (seriously, put a lot)
  • a tablespoon or two of maple syrup
  • 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper (I got crazy and used red pepper flake too!)
  • 1/2 tsp. turmeric
  • 1 to 2 bags of your favorite tea (chai or black teas taste best in this)

Cooking Directions

  1. Heat everything up in a large pot and allow to simmer for several minutes.
  2. Either drink it strong as is or dilute with water as desired.

What you need to do is get a big pot and fill it 3/4 of the way with the cider and start bringing it up to a high simmer.  Add everything else and let it simmer for a few minutes.(I don’t know how long, just do it until the tea is steeped and you can smell that the cinnamon and clove have infused into the liquid.) Discard all the citrus slices, cinnamon sticks, cloves, and tea bags.

What you’ve just made is a very potent and intensely-flavored drink.  There are two methods for using it: either drink it as-is two to three times a day in a small quantity, or dilute the whole thing with lots of water and sip on it constantly all day.  Option one will really help to give you an immediate jolt to be able to face the day, option two is good if you have to force yourself to go to work so you can just take it in a travel mug and sip on it all day. It’s up to you what method will suit you better, I personally like to drink it strong once in the morning and once after dinner but not too close to bedtime.

Now, if you are really laid-up and don’t wanna crawl yourself to the store to acquire all of this stuff don’t worry, you can make an abbreviated version with just a few things. The absolute most important ingredients are the fresh ginger and cayenne pepper, and if you do nothing more than add a bit of those two things to a cup of tea, you’ll at least be on the right track.

The ginger does a few things: it calms your stomach so you don’t feel on the edge of puking all day, it snaps you awake without caffeine, and it will make you feel slightly more energized immediately. I know it sounds gross to put cayenne pepper in a beverage, but it’s really important! It helps to clear up mucous, not just in your nose but also in your stomach as that’s part of what makes your tummy feel nauseous in the first place.

The one I made today was insanely spicy because I put both cayenne pepper and red pepper flake in it. The spicier the better though. This ain’t a martini folks, it’s medicine!

I’m pretty sure this is not the kind of recipe they had in mind for Vegan MoFo, but since it is technically vegan and I am technically not making anything else today, it’ll just have to work.

Hope it’s as amazing and fantastic and magical for you as it has been for me!