Awesome lunch! This pita was stuffed with whole grain mustard, arugula, bleu cheese, and sauteed onions and vegetarian sausage.
These were Field Roast grain sausages. I think the flavor was apple and sage or something like that, I threw away the packaging and their website doesn’t seem to list flavors.
I cut up a link and sauteed it with about a quarter of an onion (I’ve told you I love onions right?)
It was quick and simple. I just stuffed everything in a whole wheat pita pocket and dug in!
Love it!
Properly fueled to face the cold for more Christmas shopping. 😛
I’ve seen those “grain sausages” at WF (and marveled at how “real” they look) but haven’t bought them. Your creation looks yummy!
Amber Shea @Almost Vegan recently posted..105degrees- L2-W3-D1-2- fancy cheese platters
Hope the shopping went well. That looks like a yummy dish too. I heart blue cheese.
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