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Category: Discussion


Dinner Fail. Breakfast Win.

Don’t try this at home.  Really…it was terrible.

I made mahi-mahi and veggies in an asian style sauce last night.  Sounds ok, right? Wrong!  This one goes into the “please never make again” category.

I started with some very fresh and beautiful veggies: red pepper, carrot, and napa cabbage.

I sauteed them with mirin and soy and they became this:

Served alongside the pan-seared mahi that was also marinated in mirin and soy.

The vegetables were simultaneously too soggy and too crunchy at the same time, and just didn’t taste very good.  The mahi tasted like straight charcoal and was over-cooked. Bleh.

No worries, today is a new day!  Just look at this glorious bowl of freshness!

Bananas, razzles, blues, pistachios, almonds, granola, honey, and almond milk!

Just look at that ripe razzle!

And for lunch I had a veggie burger with sriracha and avocado.

And a chinese black tea.

I watched Jeff play Minecraft while he snacked on leftover butternut quinoa.  OMG this game is addicting.  It’s a gorgeous Saturday and we’re shut in the house intensely gaming. We may have a problem.

Liam watches our laziness disapprovingly…

Gah! Another cat picture!  I had to though, it’s so difficult to nab a good picture of the ever-elusive Liam.

Anyway, we are now off to spend the afternoon with the in-laws and grab some dinner later.  Onward!


Banana and Butternut

Some brefkast fixins…yes I said brefkast…isn’t that how you say it?

Learned something in the process, too.  Apparently, almond butter doesn’t drizzle well. Had to scrape a ton of it off.  This nanner kinda looks like a crime scene, almond buttter “blood” pooling all around.  Sorry, that’s really gross.  I have a very active imagination.

Ginger honey drizzles though.

That was my little pre-run snackie.  Got out and did a quick little 1.2 miles, nothing fancy.

Came home and put some fruit and left-over butternut quinoa together for lunch…

with some of these for snacking…

Now I’m off to see if I can find some new athletic wear.  Really need tops and some sunglasses, I was squinting all through my run. :::Squint:::


It’s a love story…

Something a little light-hearted after yesterday’s more serious post

I really am doing all I can to not turn this into a cat blog, but it’s hard with this guy swarming me all day while I’m home from work- so many cute photo opportunities! I don’t know how I get any blog stuff done when he insists on using my keyboard as a pillow.

Curl! Someone needs a toe-nail trim.

Or get any housework done with the clean-sheet assassin lurking!

He did find time to take a windowsill-nap with Liam while I went to the market.

Here’s what my fridge looked like post-market…

Fruit and Veg

Husbands' yogurt, my razzies

Beer and Juice, just not together

I was freezing in our apartment tonight, and the air wasn’t even on.  I offered to make spiced ciders for the husband and myself to warm us up.

Spiced Hot Apple Cider:

  • 2 mugs worth of apple cider
  • 4 lemon slices
  • 4 sticks of cinnamon
  • 4 thick slices of ginger
  • 6 to 8 whole cloves

Guess who was circling my feet the entire time?

This guy again!

Took my delicious cider to the living room…

And was promptly joined, yet again, by my little chocolate bunny.

Maybe he just wanted the cider?

What can I do? Lucas loves me, Liam loves Jeff.  Liam also just doesn’t care to ham it up for the camera like Lucas does.

OK, I had my cat post, got it out of my system.  I promise to actually post a recipe or something tomorrow to make up for all this silliness.

Sigh…I can tell already they’re gonna need their own blog.