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Veggie Jam at Rosebud

Last night’s blogger dinner at Rosebud was just awesome. The 6 of us came in expecting a simple 5 course vegetarian tasting menu that turned into a 3 hour 10 course veggie explosion with flowing booze and riotous laughter.

The bloggies…

Group Rosebud pic

From left to right: Laura and myself in front; Lee, Stacy, Corinne, and Heather in back. (Thanks to Lee for this pic!)

Laura approached chef Ron Eyester to prepare a vegetarian tasting dinner for us in his very meat-centric restaurant Rosebud. We were delighted to hear that he was actually really excited by the challenge!

He started us off with something none of us were expecting, a veggie cocktail!

Heirloom tomato cocktail

It was tomato vodka, pickled cucumber, and soda with the springiest little baby heirloom tomatoes. I was really expecting this to be savory like a bloody mary, but it was sweet! So interesting to have the flavor of tomato in a sweet drink, it really made the tomato taste like the fruit it really is.

First up was a play on pate, pink-eyed pea pate with pickled radishes on crispy toast. As as someone who loves to eat split pea soup on toast, this was fantastic.

Pink-eyed pea pate

Then just as we were talking about how refreshing a good caprese salad is in the summertime, this gorgeous bowl of spicy tomato broth with a thick piece of buttery mozzarella topped with apricots came out! Perfect timing.

Mozzarella in spicy tomato broth

And since tomatoes are really hitting their peak, the next course was a sliced heirloom crimson tomato with sriracha pineapple and fresh parsley. Very refreshing.

Tomatos and pineapple

And then the only flop of the night, a potato soup with a broccoli puree pool and soft boiled farm egg, sprinkled with dehydrated cheddar. I was so excited for this but it was crazy levels of salty. Chef Ron knew it too and apologized with a free bottle of off-the-menu wine! Can’t argue with that.

Potato and broccoli soup with egg

I’m not a wine person though so I ordered a Sazerac instead. Rye whiskey, bitters, and a citrus twist. Very boozy and very good.

Sazerac at Rosebud

At this point, we were all thinking it was about to wrap up and dessert would be out soon, so when this enormous plate of curried brussels sprouts with shaved carrots and crispy won tons came out smelling like an aromatic asian street-food cart, we were stunned.

Curried brussels sprouts

This was the favorite dish of the night for most, and while I loved it, I was completely enamored with what came next.

Mac. And. Cheese.

Goat mac and cheese with veggies

I was painfully full and yet still managed to finish every bite of this lusciously creamy goat’s milk mac and cheese with young cauliflower, dinosaur kale, and crispy Ritz. This is the kind of food that makes you gain 10 pounds just looking at it, but it was so worth it!

At this point, we all had that kind of glazed over-fed look on our faces, and then out comes this little beauty. Tempura eggplant over red curry tomato sauce and topped with file beans, feta, and olives.

Filet beans over tempura eggplant

Apparently these file beans are only in season for a few short weeks before they’re gone again. They were wonderful, somewhere in between a green bean and a wax bean, sweet and snappy. The eggplant was loved by even the eggplant-haters in the room.

Dessert yet? Nope.

What looks like a risotto is actually leek and oyster mushroom rice grits in a tomato vegetable broth and topped with a charred baby leek.

Oyster mushroom and leek rice grits

This was incredible, and if it had come earlier in the meal I would have downed it in three bites, but with how painfully full I was I could only manage to graze on it. Chef Ron told us that he used nearly 20 pounds of leeks to make just our 6 portions! They had been cooking down all day.  I felt so bad to not be able to finish this little labor-of-love.

Then finally came the first of 2 dessert courses, bleu cheese and blueberries with a port-balsamic reduction. So good together and the reduction was nice and sweet.

Bleu cheese and blues with port balsamic

And the finale, spiced bruleed peaches over salted caramel ice cream.

Bruleed peaches

I don’t know how I found room for this but somehow I managed.

Chef Ron offered us all some small-batch bourbon to go with our dessert. Being a serious whiskey girl, this thrilled me. The sweet caramel notes in the bourbon were brought out by the sweeter caramel ice cream. Fantastic pairing and I’m so impressed that Chef Ron didn’t hesitate to serve straight bourbon to a group of 6 veggie-eating girls. 😉

Ron pouring out the bourbon

The whole experience was phenomenal. We all felt really special being doted on in our little private back-room sanctuary for this epic veggie feast, or “veggie jam” as Chef Ron called it.

Thanks Laura for organizing and thanks girls for the fun company!

blog post

Strawberries and cream

Last night’s blogger dinner was fantastic! I was so uncomfortably full when I got home last night that I just had to pass out immediately. I’ll fill you in on the whole thing later today, I got tons of great pictures of the mountains of delicious vegetarian food we tasted.

This morning, since my belly is still aching from how much I managed to stuff in it last night, I opted for a very small and light breakfast. Strawberries are getting sweet here in the heat of Georgia and they made for a refreshing and light yogurt bowl.

Strawberries and yogurt bowl

I topped them with this orange passion fruit yogurt. I really like the thin consistency of Wallaby yogurts, really good for drizzling over fresh berries!

Wallaby orange passionfruit yogurt


Strawberry drip

I know that’s not a lot of food, but I need to go get ready for a chiro appointment so I’ll get more to eat when I get back.

My camera is dead or I would show you my other cat Lucas being cute and curling himself all over my keyboard. There is no way I’m ever gonna eat all the biscuits he’s making! :)

I’ll show you the blogger dinner after lunch, It would make you too hungry if I did it before and I’m just not that mean. 😉 Well, I guess I could tease you with this…

Ron's Veggie Jam menu

See you after lunch!

blog post

Morning musings

Maybe you’ve already noticed, but I am in a funk. I have really slacked off on blogging lately and on doing much of anything in general. A lot of bloggers go through a period where they are just not excited about blogging. I think I’m just now coming out of one of those.

In an effort to get myself back on track, I’m gonna try adding some structure to my posting. Today I am introducing something I’m calling “morning musings.” Basically, I’m going to try to blog first thing in the morning about my breakfast, my life-happenings, and whatever else is swimming around in my head to help me gain some focus for the rest of the day.

Papaya and yogurt bowl 2

Today I tried something totally new for breakfast. I bought a half of a papaya at the farmers market because it just looked so juicy and beautiful. I’ve never had papaya before and at first I didn’t really like it. It kinda reminds me of melon but with almost a faint cherry flavor, both of which are not favorite flavors for me.

I topped it with greek yogurt, honey, and slivered almonds.

Papaya and yogurt bowl

As I kept eating I liked it more and more. It is so soft that it just disintegrates in your mouth and it’s really sweet and summery.

This guy was pretty sweet too…

Liam sleeping in a pile

I love how Liam sleeps with his arms tucked under his belly instead of his chest. I think he breathes better in this position or something. He is unusual, to say the least.

Hopefully this little experiment will help me to get back on track, I’m definitely a person that thrives with a little structure and things have certainly felt out of control this past month (more on that later.)

And I definitely have something fun to write about tomorrow since tonight I’m attending a blogger dinner at Rosebud restaurant. I’m excited to chow down on the vegetarian tasting menu they’ve planned for us!

Have you ever had the blogger blues?

What is your favorite exotic fruit?