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Green smoothie hack

I’m starting to feel like just maybe this warm weather is here for good now. These comfortable temps have finally inspired me to break out my blender for the first smoothies of the year this week!

Smoothie surface close-up

Normally, I wouldn’t quit drinking smoothies in the colder months, but our apartment has been so uncomfortably cold all winter that I couldn’t bear to even think about choking down a frigid smoothie while my nose was numb with near-frostbite. This past winter was hard on me and I’ve been begging for it to get warm enough to not have to wear several layers of clothes to bed at night with the space heater cranked up to 11.

So, this little life hack is something that I’ve had to wait a long time to be able to share on the blog— hope you find it as game-changing as I did.

Strawberry spinach smoothie

Don’t be fooled, the smoothie pictured above may look a fruity shade of red, but I assure you it’s heart is green!

I don’t think many people are phased by the thought of putting green leafy stuff in their smoothies anymore, and that’s a great thing. I know I don’t eat enough greens, they’re not my favorite things in the world, so learning that I could puree them into a smoothie to the point that they become nearly undetectable was a lifesaver.

There’s just one problem, my blender is not nearly powerful enough to liquify fresh spinach or kale, so what i end up with is always more of a chunky chewy cold soup. It can be pretty unpleasant to gulp down a smoothie that is little more than soft mulch, no matter how good it tastes. But luckily I’ve come up with a solution that has pretty much solved the problem for me (at least until the day I get a high-speed blender that can truly annihilate everything in its path.)

Frozen spinach.

Bag of frozen loose spinach

Not just any frozen spinach though. I’m talking about taking loose fresh spinach, bagged or bunched, and sticking it in the freezer. Not the cooked stuff that comes in a box in the freezer aisle and comes out in a giant green brick, you gotta use the fresh stuff.

I stick a bag of loose bagged spinach directly in the freezer. For bunched though, I would wash and trim it then allow it to dry on a towel before freezing it in a single layer on a baking sheet.

When the spinach freezes, it becomes extremely brittle and fragile. The leaves don’t stick together but freeze individually, so it’s easy to portion out how much you need. When this stuff hits the blades in even my weak little blender, it shatters into teeny tiny little pieces, not totally obliterated like a high-speed blender would do but small enough to feel like a drink instead of a fruit porridge.

Frozen spinach leaves

It was wonderful to drink a smoothie that was actually smooth when I got back from my run today.

A cold smoothie is so good after a hot run in the sun!

Liquid calories after my run

This one had frozen strawberries, frozen spinach, silken tofu, maca powder, chia seeds, coconut water, almond milk, and a little bit of leftover citrus-flavored kombucha.

Good stuff.

Maybe this hack isn’t news to anyone, but it sure has changed my smoothies tremendously, so I thought I’d share.

What’s your favorite smoothie recipe?

blog post

5 Seasons Atlanta blogger dinner

You know what I love about blogging? Bloggers!

It is so much fun to meet the people behind the blogs in person, and it’s easy because everyone kind of feels like they already know each other. And of course, we all have something in common that we can talk about!

The group met up at 5 Seasons in Sandy Springs. I was so happy that nearly everyone started out by enthusiastically ordering beer. I got a scotch ale that they were having for a limited time. It was really tasty, very roasty with some coffee and chocolate flavors.

5 Seasons scotch ale

The turkey burger was great, not dry and crumbly like so many bird burgers are. Didn’t love the sweet potato fries, they were too soft and had soaked up a lot of oil. They were pretty good dipped in the cranberry sauce intended for my burger though.

Turkey burger and sweet potato fries

I was soooo hungry…

Eaten turkey burger

Our waiter dropped off a huge mug of free beer. He plopped it down right in front of Lee who already had a beer of her own. Of course I offered to “help” her with it, can’t pass up a free beer, right? 😉

Free communal beer

Amazingly, we didn’t talk too much about blogging. Everyone was very open and sweet, so we got to learn a great deal about each other over the course of the evening.

5 Seasons Atlanta bloggers

From left to right: Myself, Lee, Sarena, Tina, Laura, Kristy, Stacy, Laura, and Laura.  Yes, three Lauras, we are children of the 80’s after all.

If you’re ever in Atlanta hit us up!

blog post

A walk in the park

While visiting the vet the other day we learned two very interesting things: One – That our vet lives in generally the same neighborhood as we do and passes our apartment on her way to work every day, And two – That there is a very nice little park and walking trail less than a mile from us that we’ve never even known of.

We spent an hour or so in the afternoon earlier walking along the streets in our neighborhood on the lookout for said park and really enjoyed just taking in the sunshine and all the blooming blossoms around us.

Pretty flowering tree

Street lined with flowering trees

We spotted it down below the street we were on but couldn’t seem to find the entrance.

View of park belowHidden Cove Park sign

There were signs, but we still couldn’t find our way in. I guess they don’t call it Hidden Cove Park for nothing!

We did eventually find a trailhead that we hoped would lead us there.

Trailhead to Hidden Cove ParkHidden Cove Park information sign

There was a nice trickling stream that ran alongside the trail that we got to enjoy the sound of as we walked.

Stream under the bridgeTiny waterfall in the stream

Lots of nice vantage points to take in the scenery.

Water falling into a pond

Oops! Someone lost a bike tire down there!

We sat and gazed at the rippling waves for a while then headed on.

Ripples over a lost bike tire

The trail runs straight into an elementary school playground and the school has definitely made use of the natural setting. We ran into this cute outdoor classroom area. I can imagine being a kid again and eating my little crustless sandwich on spongey white bread while my teacher reads a book aloud to all the sun-drowsy students fidgeting on the warm benches.

Outdoor classroom for elementary

We passed lots of beautiful pieces of nature.

Mushrooms growing on a logEnormous reaching treeJohnny jump-upsTwo pink flowersOne pink flower

I snapped a shot of these pretty little clusters of flowers on a weeping tree just before a gust of wind blew and shook them like bells, ringing out with a small swarm of fuzzy-necked bees!

A tree of bell flowers

We had so much fun on our little walk, even if we never did figure out how to get into that park.

It’s nice to know there’s so much beauty in our own backyard!