Good morning!

Another nanner for breakfast today. I’m really starting to get addicted to this nut butter, I love how salty it is!

Banana and nut butter squiggle

Last night I made a pan of enchiladas in green chili sauce. They’re filled with brown rice, vegetarian refried beans, black beans, salsa, and pickled jalapenos. I ended up going back for another half of one, so good!

Green chili enchilada

And yesterday afternoon I made a recipe that I intended to write as a separate post, but it didn’t turn out so I’ll have to try it again.

These are Chines tea eggs, essentially boiled eggs that are marinated in an aromatic sauce. The marbling effect comes from cracking the shells before marinating, but I might not have cracked them hard enough because they didn’t get as intensely marbled as they’re supposed to.

Lightly marbled tea eggsBoiling tea eggs in marinadeCracked egg for tea eggs

They taste great, but I want a better picture for the recipe page so I’ll try them again when I get more eggs.

I did manage to complete some of the blog changes I mentioned yesterday but I’m having some issues implementing them, so I’ll probably have to wait until Jeff get’s home today to get some help with it. My Blogroll page has been updated though, if you wanna check it out!

Workout time!