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Sad socca

Hey bloggers: Do you ever go days at a time where nothing blog-worthy happens to you?

I do.

It’s so rainy and gross this week that I’ve been mostly in my house endlessly washing and folding clothes, washing and putting away dishes, making the bed after sleeping in the bed. You know, exciting stuff like that.

I did get around to testing out some new recipes though….only to have one of them fail utterly…twice.

I’ve seen socca crackers all over the blog world lately and I thought I’d be really clever and make a Japanese version because I just can’t help myself.

I used soba (buckwheat) flour instead of chickpea flour and topped it with toasted sesame seeds and nori seaweed flakes.

Soba batter spread outSprinkled with nori and sesame

I baked it and cut it up into cute little crackers and was so proud of it…

Crispy soba crackersSoba sesame seaweed crackers

They turned out perfect in every way except for one thing….they tasted terrible. Seriously, I had to throw them all out.

I don’t know how to explain it. Nothing went wrong, they just tasted like sesame cardboard.

So, I figured it must be the soba flour and decided to try again with the more traditional chickpea flour.

Seaweed socca batterSeaweed socca crackersOne seaweed socca cracker


Edible this time, but still not very enjoyable. Dangit!

I’m not even going to post the recipe for either of these until I work on it some more. I did, however, create one mind-blowing recipe this week that I’ll share with you tomorrow. I’m so proud of it. :)

Have you ever had a double recipe flop?

blog post

Tour Decatur 5k, 2011


Done in 35:45!

I did it again. I beat my previous time of 37:38!

I am so proud of how it all went down today. Here’s the details…

I got up before Jeff this morning and did some quick rinsing off in the shower before grabbing breakfast and chugging a bottle of water. Jeff joined me shortly thereafter and we got ready at a leisurely pace.

The original plan was to walk to the starting line from home today, but because we had rain in the forecast, we decided to drive instead. Because we were planning to drive instead of walk, I figured we could leave at ten til 9 and be there by 9am, just enough time to grab my race number and line up for the start at 9:15. Well…I forgot that there was a “tot trot” type race going on before the 5k for Moms with strollers and young children, so the roads we were planning to take were blocked off already. We could not figure out where to park so Jeff ended up dropping me off behind the high school just after 9am while he went to look for parking.

The email I got for the event said to meet in the football stadium, but after sorting through the crowds and asking around, no one seemed to know where packet pick-up was, I guess they all got theirs the day before like I meant to. I finally found it inside the school lobby and got my number just in time.

As we lined up for the race I still didn’t see Jeff anywhere. It was probably 10 minutes before he made it to where I was at the starting line.

Lining up Tour Decatur

Race number on for Tour Decatur

I pawned off my jacket on him and wiggled into the group somewhere in the middle.

Not a minute after I got in line, the race was on!

About to start Tour Decatur 5k

Start of Tour Decatur 5k

Most of the hills in this course were in the first mile, and I told myself that if I thought I needed to that I could allow myself to walk those first hills so as not to wear myself out too early. I was feelin’ good though so I trudged right up them with little extra effort.

I still haven’t been able to run a solid no-walking 5k distance in training runs yet, my lungs don’t seem to be getting stronger as fast as my legs are, but today I nearly ran the entire thing! I stopped for water only to find out they were out, and I walked up part of the very last hill so that I would have the energy to sprint to the finish, but that was really it!

The soft bouncy astroturf of the high school football stadium felt so good as I bolted to the finish line. I flashed Jeff a peace sign as I passed him!

End of Tour Decatur 5k

Finishing Tour Decatur 5k

I wasn’t nearly as tired after this race as I was for my first 5k. I sure was hungry though!

Decatur’s outdoor farmer’s market was set up near by so we stopped in for the second half of our breakfasts for today. There is an awesome stand with fresh pastries and coffee that we stopped at.

Breakfast pastries at market

I got a baked donut with salted caramel frosting, and Jeff grabbed a sausage biscuit. Both were spectacular!

Salted caramel baked donut

Jeff eating a sausage biscuit

Jeff is making his classic “why are you taking a picture of me?” face.

Anyway, we made the walk back to the car which Jeff had to park pretty far away. The clouds were getting darker and darker and the thunder was starting to make a fuss. As soon as we got home the rain started coming down, that was my cue to take a nap! I crashed out for an hour or so with Jeff on his computer at the end of the couch and both kittens snorgling my butt. It was pure heaven.

All I wanted for lunch was eggs. I made avocado toast with a fried egg on top and ate it with some tomato soup.

Fried egg and avocado on toast

Heating up tomato soup

Mmmmm….just what I needed.

The rest of the day will be spent in my pajamas, I’ve earned it!

blog post

Ducks in a row

Today was a day of preparations.

First off, I spent this afternoon shopping for the supplies I’ll need to bake a wedding cake for my brother-in-law and his fiance.

Wedding cake supplies

I’ve talked about this on the blog before, albeit a very long time ago, so it may be news to many of you that I’m baking a wedding cake soon.

I actually love baking, though I don’t do it that much anymore. There was once a time not too long ago that I was trying to get into culinary school to study baking and patisserie. I ended up not going, mostly because it was really expensive and I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with that education.

So, I’m pretty jazzed to get to make this cake for Kevin and Ashley’s wedding. I’ve tested the cake recipe and buttercream before, so all that’s really left to do is a color test on the fondant to get it the right shades and I’ll be ready. I’ll definitely be sure to chronicle my cake baking adventures next month when the big day comes!

Next up, I made sure everything I need for the Tour Decatur 5K tomorrow was washed and ready.

Outfit for Tour Decatur 5K

Brand new athletic socks are a rare joy! 😉

The Garmin is fully charged, and after several months of ownership I have finally broken in my running shoes to where they don’t feel like two styrofoam bricks on my feet!

I’m not bringing an iPod this time because music tends to distract me. I’ll just listen to the sweet music of my ragged breathing instead.

I also mixed together a batch of muesli which I will be partaking in for breakfast before the race.

Layered muesli

I layered toasted sesame, raw pumpkin seeds, toasted buckwheat, rolled oats, oat bran, flax meal, chia seeds, dried cranberries, golden raisins, desiccated coconut, and goji berries. All I have to do in the morning is shake it up and eat a few spoonfuls with almond milk and fresh blueberries for a filling and nutritious breakfast.

So, all that was left to do tonight was load up on carbs!

Prosciutto pizza

I like to buy pre-made whole wheat pizza dough from my local farmer’s market and roll it out myself. This one got topped with red pepper flake, pepperoncinis, roasted red peppers, prosciutto, and mozzarella cheese. Delish!

I checked the weather and saw that it’s gonna be a tad bit chill and possibly raining in the morning! :(

Forcast for 3/26/11

Hopefully my cheerful water bottle will chase away the rain.

Hydration, check!

I smile every time I look at it!

I’ve been hydrating like it’s my job today so that I don’t bonk in the morning.

So, everything seems to be as in order as it can be for tomorrow. It calms me down to have all my ducks in a row.

Wish me luck on my race! (And luck that it doesn’t pour down rain!)