I’ve been interested in making the parsnip fries I keep hearing so much about from Caitlin of Healthy Tipping Point. I mean, we’ve all the had the original potato fries and sweet potato fries are becoming pretty common as well, so what is new and hip on the fry front these days??? Parsnip fries, that’s what!
More about those in a minute…
However, I thought that I would be really clever and develop an even newer, even cooler fry that would put all other fries to shame! And so I made…..daikon fries!
OH…MY…GAD! These were easily one of the most disgusting things that I have ever had the misfortune of putting in my mouth! This is coming from someone who will try anything. Just don’t do it; I don’t think it was a factor of personal taste, I think these would be repugnant to nearly everyone.
So, with my epic daikon fry fail looming in the back of my mind, I decided that I must correct this with a tried and true fry that may not be new to everyone but was at least still new to me.
I took two parsnips and ran a peeler over them…
I then cut them into fry-sized sticks and tossed them with olive oil.
They were then placed on a non-stick baking sheet and sprinkled with salt.
I baked them at 400 degrees for 30 minutes until the edges were crispy and browned…
…and served them up alongside some ketchup to get the full fry effect.
It’s hard for me to explain how I felt about these. I would eat one and think “Mmmm, kinda sweet and earthy!” Then I would eat another one and think “Meh, these are weird,” and the two fries had tasted the same. Jeff and I ate all of them though, so I know I didn’t hate them. I think I just don’t like root vegetables that much.
If you’re planning on trying them for yourself, I’d suggest cutting out the core of the parsnip and discarding it as it was pretty tough and unpleasant to eat.
All in all, the parsnip fries were worlds better than my soggy, mushy, turnip and dirt flavored daikon fries, and they’re an interesting break from typical potato fries. If you know you love root vegetables, these might just be right up your alley.
Parsnip fries

Golden baked parsnip fries are an interesting alternative to everyday potato fries.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 40 minutes
- 2 parsnips
- olive oil and salt to coat
Cooking Directions
- Peel, core, and slice parsnips into sticks.
- Toss in olive oil.
- Place on a non-stick baking sheet and sprinkle with salt.
- Bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes or until golden brown.