We’ve been kinda lazy this weekend. The weather’s been gray and gloomy, perfect for staying indoors and vegging out.
Speaking of vegging, I’ve been more inspired to make delicious and veggie-filled meals with all the time on my hands being stuck here in the house. It’s been snowing flurries all day and that’s enough to make me throw any plans I had out the window but inevitably get bored and start cooking. Yeah, that’s how I entertain myself.
Here’s some tasty things I’ve been munching on lately…

Sweet chili tofu, chinese long beans and shiitake stir-fry, little piece of Jeff's salmon

Nanner with maple almond butter and pecans
Check out the amazing sandwich I made for lunch today…

I roasted a piece of red pepper and two slices of onion. One side of the bread had pesto, pepperoncini, and arugula; the other had herb mayo, smashed avocado, and seaweed flake.
So good together!

Later in the afternoon I got bored and made a smoothie. I haven’t had one in a long time because it’s really cold in our apartment so I always want to eat something warm.
But I had this bunch of dinosaur kale to use up…

So I put it in the blender with a banana, some spinach, maca, cocoa, and hemp milk…

And came out with this!

Tastes really yummy, but I wish I had a high-speed blender so I could get it truly smooth. It’s not that fun to chew a smoothie.
I think now I might go whip up an apple crumble. I have a tub full of crumble topping in my freezer leftover from the last time I made one.
Bring on the sweets!