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Back in the gym

So sore today!

I missed working out. I finally started with a new gym yesterday since I’ve realized I’m just not into running in the freezing cold. If I were training for a race that was going to take place in frigid temps then I’d make myself do it, but since I’m not in training currently, the treadmill is fine.

I haven’t lost any ability during my time off but I have lost some flexibility. Too much sitting in front of the computer all day in an unsupportive chair. I need to make it a point to make a chiropractic appointment this month, get all loosened-up again.

This year is about fitness for me. I’m gonna get my money’s worth outta these shoes this year, for sure.

I’m narrowing down a few races for my first 5K of the year, I’ll make an announcement when I’ve signed up!

Also: Thanks to everyone for your comments on my post about understanding what motivates you. I feel like you guys are proud of me for kicking the nail-biting habit, and that makes me proud of myself all over again. Thanks!

What goal are you tackling first this year?

blog post

Understanding what motivates you

Subtitled: Why it took me 25 years to quit biting my nails.

As I started looking back on the last year I was amazed at what I was able to accomplish. Losing weight, planning a wedding and honeymoon, moving to a new part of town, starting a blog, and many other accomplishments great and small all got done completely and in the time I had allotted for each of them.

I have always been a major procrastinator. For most of my life I have just whined and sighed and wondered why everything was always so hard for me and why I never got the things in life that I wanted. I really thought that I was working hard enough and that somehow the whole world was just always fighting against me.

I know now, that I was just being lazy. But the truth is, even if I had realized then that I wasn’t doing enough to get the things I wanted in life, I probably still wouldn’t have done any better for myself. I would never motivate myself to make the changes because back then I had no idea what would motivate me, and then I would just feel bad all the time that I wasn’t doing what I should be doing.

Last February, I figured it all out. Believe it or not, the thing that taught me how to motivate myself wasn’t learning how to read, write and speak a new language or even learning how to exercise for basically the first time in my life. It was teaching myself how to quit biting my nails that illuminated to me exactly what my motivators are and just how to apply those same motivators to even bigger problems to get the same results.

I have been trying to quit biting my nails for my entire life. I could never go more than about 2 weeks before I would suddenly realize, too late, that I had just chewed off every nail on my hand all the way down to the painful quick. My cuticles were dry, thick, and ragged-looking. I was embarrassed to get fake nails put on for special occasions because the nail techs always made fun of me and scolded me. I did not have pretty hands, and I was always self-conscious of them, but I just couldn’t stop biting.

I wish I could tell you that I discovered some secret quirky little technique I employed to psych myself out of biting my nails for good. The fact is though that I really didn’t do anything special, I just decided to stop and I never started again. I found the transition completely effortless this time, unlike the hundreds of times before where all I could think about was biting. So what made this try different? Why was I able to do it so easily when I never could before?

The answer is that I was being motivated to succeed by my two biggest motivators at once: swiftly approaching deadlines and shame, specifically shame from people I care about.

I had very little time before my wedding to get my hands looking nice before immortalizing them in pictures and before they became the focus of attention as Jeff slipped the ring on my finger during the ceremony. So there it was, I had an exact deadline to accomplish something by and I had the shame of sporting trashy ragged hands on my wedding day in front of my family. Bingo, recipe for motivation.

Before then, I had never had a greater reason to stop biting my nails than just because I wanted to have prettier hands. That wasn’t good enough, there was no sense of urgency in that, and so I never succeeded. This time, with the correct motivators in place, I was able to do something I never thought I could and I’m still going strong. I no longer desire to bite my nails because I stopped doing it long enough to shake the habit.

Many of the other things I had to accomplish last year were affected by the same motivators, and so they got done with the same ease and efficiency without having to think too much about them. But towards the end of the year, those motivators disappeared. I no longer had deadlines to make and no one was holding me accountable, it was up to me to figure out what would make me push myself.

Now that I know what motivates me though, I can apply it anywhere. When I really need to get something done I either give myself a deadline, ask Jeff to hold me accountable, or both! It has really helped me to push myself to do things I don’t really want to do.

I think it’s great that I can take something negative, like feelings of shame or guilt, and use them to make positive changes in my life. I feel really guilty when I disappoint people, even people I don’t know. I used to not like that I put so much pressure on myself to perform well, and of course those are feelings I need to keep under control, but now they have also become a constructive force for change in my life.

So what motivates you? Do you put forth your best efforts when you get a reward, when you get lots of praise or affection, or when you have someone holding you accountable? Do you accomplish things better as an individual or as a team? You have to be really honest with yourself, it may be embarrassing to realize that you do your best when you know you’re getting a present, but if you’re accomplishing your goals then maybe you deserve one. For me, figuring out my ideal conditions for completing work has been a life-saver, so I’m no longer embarrassed by my true motivators.

I think……I may get my first manicure ever this year. I deserve it!

What is it that inspires you get up and get things done?

blog post

Best of 2010

I wasn’t going to do the whole “greatest hits of 2010” thing mostly because my blog is still under a year old and I figured that I didn’t really have enough material to do it. But, as I looked back through my posts and flicked through my folder of pictures I’ve used on the blog in just this year alone, I realized that I had more than enough highlights to share.

These are the personal posts that either got the most attention or are at least worth another look:

So, what am I? – My first proclamations about how I eat.

Running with scoliosis – Why running is both difficult and yet important to me.

A fond farewell to “my gym” – Where and how I learned to have confidence while exercising.

Libations, Liam, and Lakesha – What can I say, this is just hilarious.

Decatur Craft Beer Festival – I caught some flak from local blog readers for not enjoying this festival. Oops!

Many milestones –  Becoming Mrs. Tucker and quitting my job.

Run Like Hell 5K, 2010 – My first race ever and I kicked a$$!

My first Atlanta blogger meet-up – Feeling like a real part of the blogging community!

Taking responsibility – Feeling the pressure to make more ethical eating choices.

Atlanta Fresh – Reintroducing dairy to fight some tummy troubles.

The real deal –  Discovering that vegetarianism is not my platform for activism.

10 things – Some personal info to help my readers get to know me better.

And these are some of my favorite recipes from this year:

Date Bites

Quinoa with chickpeas and butternut squash

Pumpkin puree

Salmon over honey-soy soba with onions and shiitakes


Vegan pumpkin bread

Sushi rice

Claypot salmon with asian vegetables

Apple bars with cinnamon “cream cheese”

Slow-cooker split pea soup and spread

Maple cinnamon breakfast quinoa

Gingery pear and apple sauce

Spicy chickpea and onion donburi

Black bean tofu with veggies

Kabocha pecan bread

Beef gyudon

I thought it might also be fun to do a collage of some of the most beautiful food I’ve had the pleasure of eating this year!

You want more? Here’s some interesting stats you might find amusing:

Most visits in a single day- 117

Typical visits in a day- 25 to 45

Total spam comments received to date- 605

5 top searches that lead to someone finding my site in the last 30 days:

  1. domokun – 87 Visits
  2. domo kun – 57 Visits
  3. thyme bombe – 30 Visits
  4. domo-kun – 16 Visits
  5. crusting buttercream – 4 Visits

(Apparently that image I used brought me a ton of traffic from people searching for domo-kun!)

3 people found my blog searching for “why drink cinnamon tea when sick”

2 people found me searching for “asian vegetable like parsnip”

1 person searched “drink thyme good for you?”

1 person searched “bombe nuts”    <—-Huh?

1 person searched “I love burritos”   <—-ok seriously WTF?

Thank you all for reading and for all of your thoughtful comments. I appreciate each and every one of you greatly. I hope next year I can make this blog into something even better and more exciting while still holding on to the things that make you keep coming back now.

Happy New Year from all of us at Thyme Bombe!

See you next year!